Notice of the Special Annual General Meeting including the Dissolution of the EGBD
Notice is hereby given that the final and Special Annual General Meeting of the East
Gippsland Bowls Division will be held at the Bairnsdale Bowls Club on Monday 7 June,
2021 at 10am to consider and act upon the agenda items listed below.
All Member Club Delegates or their substitutes are requested to attend.
Our Life Member and all Individual Members are invited to attend.
M. Brandhoj
East Gippsland Bowls Division
1. To confirm the minutes (i.e. proceedings of the last AGM)
2. To receive the President’s Report
3. To receive any committee reports
4. To receive the financial report
5. Other business of which notice is given in accordance with the East Gippsland Bowls
Division Constitution.
This includes:
i. To table and vote on the special resolution for the winding up (Dissolution) of
the Division.
ii. To table and vote on the special resolution for the transfer of all Division
finances and assets to the Gippsland Bowls Region.